Gamepad Tester and Debugger When connected, this tool displays the current state of your gamepads, inputs, joysticks, and anything else that can be reported by the HTML5 Gamepad Api. This is also useful for debugging broken controllers, experimental hardware, and more.
Software Tester Stik Ps2
Software Tester Stik Ps2 Download
- Both the down stroke and the up stroke are highlighted in different colors.
- Measurement of the keyboard repeat and depress times.
- Display of BIOS keyboard code and Windows scan codes.
- Language independent testing by using BIOS scan codes.
- Allows creation of your own custom keyboard layouts.
- Support for up to 100 keyboards.
- Downloadable keyboard layouts (see the layout download page)
- Testing of compound keys, like a '.COM' or '.WWW' key
- Batch mode testing (with the /b command line parameter)
- Logging of keyboard serial numbers, operator ID and pass / fail results to disk (in batch mode).
- Display options for testing row and column short circuits (in batch mode).
- Ability to test for under or over-responsive keys by specifying a number of required keystrokes (in batch mode)
- Display options for mouse buttons. Both for mice embedded in the keyboard and external mice.
- Support for all connector types, (PS/2, Wireless & USB keyboards).
- A function to flash the three keyboard LED, Num Lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock.
- Measurement of the delay between key presses.
Software Tester Stik Ps2 Pro
- Playstation 2 DTL-H1000 Debugging station (TEST) Since the TOOL was an expensive beast aimed at programmers, for QA testing of games, Sony released another unit for known as the PLAYSTATION 2 DTL-H1000 DEBUGGING STATION or TEST for short.
- Aplikasi cek stik PS3 di PC Program checker versi sekarang sudah dilengkapi dengan profil DS3 controller/ PS3 joystick tapi hanya untuk profil XBOX controller, mungkin bisa berguna bagi anda yang punya rental PS3 buat check DS3 eror apa tidaknya sebuah tombol atau joysticknya tanpa perlu konek ke.
- Tinggal klik ini itu maka sudah jadi deh. Abis itu kamu sudah langsung bisa menggunakan stik ps2 kamu ke laptop kamu dengan mudah. Converter Stik Ps2 ke PC atau Ps3. Sebelum beranjak ke tutorial cara setting stik ps2 di pc, saya kenalin dulu nih sama converter stik ps2nya. Nah, converter ini ada 2 macam yaitu yang cabang 2 sama cabang 1.